Sexy Fitness  

Is there really anything new under the sun when it comes to training? Perhaps nothing new, but innovation, maybe. As a consumer, bodybuilder, and overall purveyor of freaky muscle, this is how you must think of any workout that's offered via magazine or website. It isn't that there is so much out there you or I haven't heard of at this point, it's more about what we do with what we already know, to come up with something that is creative and becomes a means to a successful end.

One reason innovation is so important as a bodybuilder, is that the body figures out what you're doing fairly quickly, with training, diet, exercise, etc.. So it becomes crucial to find different ways to engage each body part, or system, as a whole, to continue getting any appreciable result. This is particularly the case with a muscle that is typically seen as the pinnacle of a person's success in the gym. I'm talking about the biceps...

Truth is, if you have small biceps, it's like you've failed all around. In reality, small biceps is like having small calves - one is no different than the other. If something is missing, something is missing, period, no matter what it is. But that's not how people judge the situation. This almost necessitates having big arms, whether it's a struggle for you or not. So how can you ensure success in your biceps training? Well, give us a month and we'll give you an extra inch!


Fitness Woman  

This section is devoted to those activities that are mostly devoted to actual building of muscle and require more strength than the ones previously listed. It’s fool-hearty to believe that none of these activities cross over, because they all do to some extent. However, there are some activities, such as rock climbing that, while the heights and danger might stimulate the heart more than actual repetitive muscle exhaustion, it’s a much more strength-based activity.

Without a doubt, rock climbing emphasizes coordination and strength. The two, in fact, are highly interdependent. Upper body strength is key here, but having an overall balance of strength is a plus. Conditioning is something is that required in addition to performing and practicing movements on a regular basis.

Rock climbing works just about every muscle in the upper body (pectorals, deltoids, forearms, biceps, triceps, rectus abdominus, serratus, intercostals, latissimus dorsi, spinal erectors and teres major) as well as a few in the lower body (hip flexors, trocanter, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves). It is probably the single most demanding total body engagement one can find in any strength-based activity.


Woman in Boxing  

You might think of boxing as a violent sport. Professional boxing as seen in television is a dangerous sport reserved for athletes who train extensively to get in shape for their bouts. But unknown to most it can also be a satisfying and effective form of workout.

Boxing fitness involves hours of diligent training, cardio workout out and can even teach you additional self-defense. Boxing fitness improves your, flexibility, agility, stamina and coordination. You don’t necessarily have to go as far as fighting in the ring but a little sparring mixed in your routine can make for a fantastic workout.

If you want to try it you can try local gyms to see if they have a boxing fitness program. If none are available you can hop online and do a search for “boxing fitness” to find a program and gym that are convenient for you. Put on those boxing gloves now and punch your way into an exciting way to be healthy.